
Tuesday, December 3, 2024

08h00-9h00 Registration and welcome coffee 


09h00-9h10 Welcome and introduction - Anthony Procès


Morning session: Metabolism

Chairs: Roberto Zoncu and Anja Zeigerer 


09h10-09h50 Julien Courchet (NeuroMyogène Institute, Lyon, France)

09h50-10h30 Anja Zeigerer (Heidelberg University, Mannheim, Germany)

10h30-11h05 Coffee break and poster session

11h05-11h45 Roberto Zoncu (University of California, Berkeley, USA)

11h45-12h05 Myriam Saliba (Grenoble Institut Neurosciences, Grenoble, France) 

12h05-12h15 HuntX Pharma - Laure Jamot, CEO


12h15-13h20 Lunch and poster session


Afternoon session: Neuroscience

Chairs: Marina Mikhaylova and Max Koppers


13h20-13h30 Bio-Techne

13h30-14h10 Frédéric Saudou (Grenoble Institute of Neuroscience, Grenoble, France)

14h10-14h50 Max Koppers (Vrije University, Amsterdam, Netherlands)

14h50-15h05 Zoë Van Acker (VIB Center for Brain Disease Research, Leuven, Belgium

15h05-15h50 Coffee break and poster session

15h50-16h30 Marina Mikhaylova (Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany)

16h30-16h45 Lucas Alves Tavares (Center for Virology and Dep of Cell and Mol Biol, São Paulo, Brazil; Institute Curie, Paris, France)

16h45-17h00: Break and group photo


17h00-18h00 Plenary lecture – Volker Haucke (Leibniz – FMP, Berlin, Germany)


19h30 Gala dinner at "Ciel Rooftop" (Bastille, Grenoble)


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

08h30-09h00 Welcome coffee 


Morning session: Cell biology

Chairs: Frederik Verweij & Sara Sigismund

09h00-09h10 Proteintech

09h10-09h50 Ludger Johannes (Curie Institute, Paris, France)

09h50-10h30 Sara Sigismund (IEO, Milan, Italy)

10h30-10h45 Gabriele Zaffagnini (Center for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain

10h45-11h20 Coffee break and poster session

11h20-12h00 Frederik Verweij (University of Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands)

12h00-12h15 Sonia Ruggero (Insitute Curie, Paris, France)


12h15-13h20 Lunch and poster session


Afternoon session: Biophysics and structural biology

Chairs: Aurélien Roux & Christophe Lamaze


13h20-13h30 3i Intelligent Imaging - Osnath Assayag

13h30-14h10 Bruno Antonny (Institute of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, Sophia-Antipolis, France)

14h10-14h50 Aurélien Roux (University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland)

14h50-15h05 Nicolas Fuggetta (CEMIPAI, Montpellier, France

15h05-15h50 Coffee break and poster session

15h50-16h30 Christophe Lamaze (Curie Institute, Paris, France)

16h30-16h45 Emma Pasquier (École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France)


16h45-17h00 Concluding remarks and announcement of poster and short talk prizes


17h00-20h30 Wine and cheese (Maison Minatec, Grenoble)

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