Registration and Fees

The registration form is available here 
After the registration process, you can submit your abstract here

Registration fees:

  • Early-bird before 01/10/2024 (NEW DEADLINE)

- PhD students, postdocs or engineers*: 100€ excl. VAT

- Senior researchers and PIs: 250€ excl. VAT

- Industry: 300€ excl. VAT

Late registration from 02/10/2024 until 16/11/2024:

- PhD students, postdocs or engineers*: 150€ excl. VAT

- Senior researchers and PIs: 300€ excl. VAT

- Industry: 400€ excl. VAT


* PhD students, postdocs and engineers will be asked to provide proof of their status when registering (valid student card, certificate from university, letter from supervisor). The proof should be sent to:


We strongly encourage   you to register for the gala dinner on December 3 in the evening. Please note that the capacity is limited to 150

Gala dinner: 35€ excl. VAT

We strongly encourage  you to register  for the Wine & Cheese  on December 4 in the evening (included with the registration fees).

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